Based on the results as of now, and barring any change via recounts, it appears the Biden administration will take office on January 22, 2021. We also have an idea of the makeup of both chambers in Congress. Some may even be surprised if the GOP holds on to a slim majority in the Senate.
Elections do, indeed, have consequences. On January 14, 2021 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET, join Scopelitis Law Firm and representatives from our subsidiary Scopelitis Transportation Consulting (STC), for a timely session on what the trucking industry can expect from lawmakers and regulators in 2021. Greg Feary, Tim Wiseman, Shannon Cohen, Prasad Sharma, Dave Osiecki, and P. Sean Garney will lead an engaging, lively discussion about the high impact consequences of the election and how it might affect the transportation industry.